Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
This year has so far posed as a more difficult year for us in Malaysia. The increasing challenges from the political, social, economic, religious and family arenas are daunting explicitly. It seems that the road we are on is getting tougher each year. The 13 th General Election of the nation is just round the corner though the date has not been fixed. Many observers have said and believed that it is a water shed year for Malaysia. We need to pray earnestly for peace and harmony that no one political group or party or individual that uses ethnic or religious or social issues to create unrest and animosity will win. We are also praying for a fair, clean, peaceful and harmonious nation.
Experiences from what I have learnt from my Turkey visit recently have taught and warned me that we, while discerning and wishing to fulfill God’s Will must not be biased or stubbornly thick-headed by only expecting the ‘so-called Good’ things from God. The early Christians in the first century, many of them are first generation believers, surely had prayed to their God to lift the persecution. They had literally seen many of their brethren thrown into the lions and gladiators as punishment. Their prayers had gone on from generations to generations until liberation came in the fifth century. The few hundred years of persecution first under the Jews and later the Romans had not seen their faith dissipated into vapour instead many great theologians and great early church fathers were products in those periods.
The rapid rising price of commodity against the increase in wages has caused great concerns and difficulties to many households. The inconsistent and bias implementation of policies by some authorities has instilled great fear and hardships upon the communities. The rampant corruption and wastage has paralysed our nation to a great extend. The religious and ethnic extremists have created many night-mares and apprehension for the large majority. Many are asking “Where is God?” and “What is He doing?” The last thing we want to see is that we, the victims, lashing out against and accusing one another thus leading to distrust and fights among each other.
We have our Lord Jesus Christ as model and aspiration to imitate. Yet in His time of uncertainty and struggles, He did not condone nor was he swayed or influenced by the ‘bad’ politics between Pontius Pilate and Herod, or the ugly constant bickering between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the bully tactics of the money changers and the merchants of sacrificial animals at the Temple, the power struggle within the Sanhedrin, the exorbitant and luxury lifestyle of the tax-collecters like Zacheaus. But He stood with the poor two mite widow, the repentant tax-collector, the persistent widow for justice, the lamed, the lepers, the truth seeker – Nicodemus, the willing believer – Samaritan woman, the willing followers – His disciples and the Seventy, etc.
In the midst of all the complexities, we need to continue to Nurture the Shoots the Lord has given growth by focusing on Jesus and His sacrifice. It was His willing sacrifice that we can have victory even over the adverse circumstances we are in; His kenotic emptying of Himself has initiated in us the fullness of life amidst the slogans of injustice thrown at us everywhere; His total obedience has ushered us into a life of faith irrespective of the outcomes; His unceasing praying life has become our protection and providence in the fast changing world; His clear focus on the Cross has become our Vision for existence; His unconditional Love and Compassion have become our Grace and Hope for ours and our children’s future. Let us not lose heart rather to press on to hope in God.
May this Easter bring you greater commitment to love God, greater passion to love people, and greater joy to serve Him and His creation! Alleluia!